Bildungshäuser of the future - needs-oriented learning space concepts in adult education
Erasmus+ Project – KA2 Partnership in Adult Education
Project duration: November 2021 - November 2022
New places of learning, such as "third places", CoWorking Spaces, Makerspaces, FabLabs or repair cafes are an expression of a contemporary "educational freedom".
The main objective of this project is therefore to analyze these modern learning space concepts in order to derive possible development potentials for adult education - especially for Bildungshäuser in German-speaking countries. The results of the project will be published in a brochure and shall be an impulse for the sustainable further development of Bildungshäuser.
Bildungshäuser are facing the challenge of reflecting on their identity and raison d'être as educational institutions. They describe themselves as places of encounter and exchange and are challenged to renew their structures and concepts so that they remain so in the future. The development of needs-oriented learning space concepts is leading the way here.
The main responsible team member of the project is ARGE Bildungshäuser Österreich, an association ofassociation of 17 Austrian educational institutions. It's cooperating with the following project partners:
- Katholische LandvolkHochschule Oesede, D
- Landvolkshochschule Freckenhorst, D
- Schwäbischen Bauernschule Bad Waldsee, D
- SPES Zukunftsakademie, A
Supporten by the Bundesinstituts für Erwachsenenbildung (bifeb), A.
- 1. Projectmeeting incl. excursion – November 2021
- Online-Zielgruppenbefragung im Netzwerk der deutschen und österreichischen Bildungshäuser – Dezember 2021 bis February 2022
- 2. Projectmeeting incl. excursion – March 2022
- 3. Projectmeeting incl. excursion – April 2022
- 4. Projectmeeting – July 2022
- Multiplier Event (Presentation of results) – July 2022
- Publication of brochure – Fall 2022
Inspirational Video Bildungshäuser of the Future (German)
Video report Innovation Workshop 2022 - BH St. Hippolyt (German)
Project publication (English)
The following documents only available in German:
Protokoll Projekttreffen 1 (Kurzversion)
Protokoll Projekttreffen 2 (Kurzversion)
Protokoll Projekttreffen 3 (Kurzversion)
Protokoll Projekttreffen 4 (Kurzversion)
You are exciting about the project and would like to have further information?
Get in touch!
Bianca Baumgartner
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the authors only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.