Online discussion on future skills in educational institutions
On 25 September 2024, managers from German and Austrian educational institutions engaged in intensive discussions with five experts from the fields of organisational development, HR and New Work about HR management in the folk high school of the future. The focus was on the four areas of recruiting, personnel development, leadership and organisational forms.
The experts on board were:
Peter Webhofer - Organisational developer, consultant, trainer and design thinking expert, Managing Director of blueLAB
Barbara Gruber - Human Resources Manager
Tobias Ilg - Agile organisational developer, New Work bridge builder and owner of New Work uffm Land
Julia Stierberger - HR expert, Managing Director of Kreuzschwestern Sierning GmbH
Johannes Buß - Director of the Caritas Association for the Diocese of Osnabrück and former head of a folk high school
The variety of new impulses, creative ideas and practical approaches was impressive - a real flood of inspiration! We look forward to taking this exciting exchange into the next phases of the project.
At the end of the project (spring 2025), there will be a publicly accessible impulse brochure with all the results from the project.
What is it all about? A brief explanation of the project
The current HR situation is perceived as being characterised by a shortage of jobs and skilled workers, upheavals in the world of work (keyword "New Work") and in social values, digitalisation and artificial intelligence, etc. The main aim of the project is therefore to analyse future requirements and challenges for personnel development, leadership and organisational culture in the Bildungshaus of the future. It is also about developing possible solutions for dealing with them. The main focus here is on the skills required in the future ("future skills").
The project team immerses itself in the topic with the help of research work, focus groups, workshops and excursions. On the one hand, the aim is to gain a better understanding of the needs of Bildungshäuser and employees. On the other hand, by looking outside the box of adult education, inspiration and ideas are to be found to help make or maintain the educational centre as a meaningful and modern workplace.
Project partners from Germany and Austria on board
As lead partner and initiator, ARGE Bildungshäuser Österreich (ARGE BHÖ) is primarily responsible for the project. Partners were quickly found thanks to the ARGE BHÖ's active networking approach: The Verband der Bildungszentren im ländlichen Raum (Germany) and the SPES Zukunftsakademie (Austria) are also on board.