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Presentation of the 23rd Adult Education Radio Awards

The 23rd Adult Education Radio Awards were presented at the RadioKulturhaus in Vienna on February 26, 2021.

The presentation took place without an audience and can be viewed at the link at the end of the text.

The jury - four representatives of print media, one media scientist and ten representatives of the awarding associations of the Conference of Adult Education (KEBÖ) - had to choose from 18 productions nominated for the award. The nominations were made from 153 submitted broadcasts – ORF broadcasts and broadcasts from various private and independent broadcasters. 

The awards went to productions from Ö1, FM4, Radio Orange 94.0 and Radiofabrik - Freies Radio Salzburg.

The Adult Education Radio Awards for 2020 were given to:


Category "Culture": 

Alice Elstner for the Ö1 radio play "Lass dich heimgeigen, Vater oder Den Tod ins Herz mir schreibe," based on a text by Josef Winkler.


Category "Information":

"Mahmoud und die Kunst des Kopiergesprächs" (Mahmoud and the Art of Copy Talk) from the Open Window series, created by Evelyn Blumenau and Walter Kreuz (gecko art), broadcast on Radio Orange 94.0.

In the category "Education/Science ", the Eduard Ploier Prize* was awarded. It went to Renata Schmidtkunz for the Ö1 Radiookolleg program "Es gab nicht nur eine DDR. Ansichten und Rückblicke aus dem deutschen Osten" (There was not just one DDR. Views and Retrospectives from the German East").


Category "Interactive and Experimental Productions":

"Was ist normal" ("What is normal"), a Radiofabrik workshop production, produced by the students of class 7M (school year 2019/20) of the Montessori Oberstufengymnasium des Evangelischen Diakonievereins Salzburg Grödig (MORG) under the project management of Alexander Naringbauer.


Category "broadcast series":

Thomas Edlinger for FM4's In-the-Swamp-summer-series "The Divided States of America".


The awards were presented by representatives of the awarding associations of the Conference of Adult Education (KEBÖ) - Angela Schmid from ARGE Bildungshäuser, Michael Sturm from Berufsförderungsinstitut, Markus Feigl from Büchereiverband, Bernd Wachter from Forum Katholischer Erwachsenenbildung, Bernhard Keiler from Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut, Georg Primas from Ring Österreichischer Bildungswerke, Pia Lichtblau from Verband Österreichischer Gewerkschaftlicher Bildung, Herbert Schweiger for Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen and Tatjana Baborek from Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut. 

Bernhard Keiler from the Ländliche Fortbildungsinstitut opened the ceremony on behalf of the KEBÖ associations. Radio director Monika Eigensperger took the welcome as host and congratulated the winners.

The presentation was moderated by the speaker of the jury, Gerhard Bisovsky (VÖV), together with Katharina Gruber (ORF).


Link to video: https://youtu.be/AEAtTTTFZ50

Credit: ORF/Association of Austrian Adult Education Centers.  


* Austrian adult educator Eduard Ploier, who died in 1998, was director of Bildungshaus Schloss Puchberg and a member of ORF's listeners' and viewers' representation and a member of the board of trustees from 1974 to 1998.


Radiopreise der Erwachsenenbildung