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Konferenz der Erwachsenenbildung Österreich (KEBÖ)

The Conference of Adult Education in Austria (KEBÖ), founded in 1972, is the working platform of the Austrian Adult Education Associations recognised in the Adult Education Promotion Act of 1973.

The ARGE BHÖ has been a member of KEBÖ since its foundation.

Objectives and tasks of KEBÖ

  • Education policy representation of non-profit adult education
  • Partner of the BMBF in the implementation of education policy priorities
  • Sponsor of the Kooperative System der österreichischen Erwachsenenbildung (Cooperative system of Austrian adult education)
  • Representation of the interests of adult education within the overall education system
  • Statements on laws and regulations relevant to adult education
  • Statistics, reports, public relations
  • Planning, organisation and implementation of the annual KEBÖ conference
  • Cooperation with the country network Weiter.Bildung

For more information about KEBÖ please check the following links