Mission Statement
1 Basic requirements
for the members of our working group
The “working group of Austrian Educational Centres” is an independent, nonprofit association, whose members are education centres with different funding bodies.
The members commit themselves to the statute und recognise the mission statement, but are autonomous in occupation and function.
1.1 The members have in common:
1.1.1 The commitment to democratic principles based on the rule of law. We are committed to the fundamental idea of diversity and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
1.1.2 An autonomous, full-time pedagogic leadership for the conception, organisation, implementation/supervision and evaluation of events.
1.1.3 A continuous supply of educational events of varying profile and length for the development of personal, societal, religious, political, occupational, artistic and cultural education with different focal points in each education centre.
1.1.4 The combination of teaching, collective learning and living within the establishment contributes strongly to the deepening of the learning experience, and is the basic concept of the members. This is made possible through a correspondent spatial offer, board and lodging.
2 Lead Concept
2.1 The working group is a forum for encounters, exchange of experiences, information and cooperation between the members.
2.2 The working group is a place for the development of ideas and common projects based on pedagogic trends, societal changes and cultural challenges.
2.3 The working group is a special interest group of its members. It is active in education policy. It is a partner for all Austrian and international institutions for adult education.
3 Ideals and Principles
3.1 The members work in this community and contribute – through leaders or their employees – actively to events.
3.2 Our interaction with each other is founded on mutual recognition and appreciation. We maintain a cooperative working style. Conflicts are approached and dealt with constructively.
3.3 We strive to secure and perpetually develop the pedagogic and contentual quality of our offers.