The Cooperative system of Austrian adult education
The Cooperative System of Austrian Adult Education (short: Cooperative System) is a joint initiative of adult education associations and the Federal Institute for Adult Education (BIfEB), which is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science Research and (BMBWF). In terms of professionalization and quality development of adult education, the goal of the Cooperative System is to promote in-service training of adult educators and the recognition and certification of non-formally and informally acquired competencies.
Within the framework of the cooperative system, the partners agree to jointly work on the existing business areas "Academy of Continuing Education", "Fundamentals of Adult Education" and "Education Management" and to establish additional business areas as needed.
Business area Continuing Education Academy Austria
The Continuing Education Academy Austria (wba - Weiterbildungsakademie) verifies and recognizes competencies of adult educators according to defined standards. It offers a professional qualification at two levels (wba certificate and wba diploma in four specializations: for teachers, education managers, consultants and librarians) and supports the permeability between adult education and higher education. It recognizes educational offerings without being an educational provider itself.
Business area Fundamentals of Adult Education
Foundation courses and seminars provide initial insights into the diverse professional profile of adult educators and are intended to help develop a professional self-image. By managing the certification workshop, which is to be completed within the framework of the wba, the business area forms an interface to the wba. Another task of the business area is the conception, supervision and administration of cooperative qualification projects for adult educators.
Business area Education Management
The professional field of education managers is subject to constant change. A fundamental understanding of education and pedagogical tasks is just as important as business and legal knowledge and the mastery of management tools for strategic leadership and control. The task of the business area is to cover the qualification needs of education managers at the different levels of an organization by offering appropriate courses.