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The 23rd Adult Education Radio Awards

For the 23rd time, the ten associations of the Conference of Adult Education (KEBÖ) will award the Radio Prize of Adult Education for programs that were broadcast for the first time between September 1, 2019 and August 31, 2020.

For the current award, a jury nominated 18 radio programs from 153 submitted productions in the categories of culture, information, education/science, interactive and experimental productions and in the category of broadcast series in October 2020.

At its meeting on November 25, 2020, a jury consisting of journalists and adult educators as well as a media scientist awarded the 23rd Adult Education Radio Prize for 2019/2020 to the following individuals and their productions:

Category Culture

Alice Elstner for the Ö1 radio play "Lass dich heimgeigen, Vater oder Den Tod ins Herz mir schreibe" (Let me go home, Faster or The death written in my heart) based on a text by Josef Winkler.

Category Information

"Mahmoud und die Kunst des Kopiergesprächs" (Mahmoud and the Art of Copy Talk) from the Open Window series, created by Evelyn Blumenau and Walter Kreuz (gecko art), broadcast on Radio Orange 94.0.

Category Education/Science (Eduard Ploier Prize)

Renata Schmidtkunz for the Ö1 Radiookolleg program "There was not only one GDR".

Category Interactive and Experimental Productions

"Was ist normal" (What is normal), a Radiofabrik workshop production, produced by the 7M (school year 2019/20) at the Montessori Oberstufengymnasium des Evangelischen Diakonievereins Salzburg Grödig (MORG) under the project management of Alexander Naringbauer.

Category broadcasting series

Thomas Edlinger for the FM4 In the Swamp summer series "The Divided States of America".

The award ceremony is planned for January 2021 and will be announced separately.

The awarding AE associations:

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bildungshäuser Österreich, Berufsförderungsinstitut Österreich, Büchereiverband Österreichs, Forum Katholischer Erwachsenenbildung in Österreich, Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich, Ring Österreichischer Bildungswerke, Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft Österreich, Verband Österreichischer Gewerkschaftlicher Bildung, Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen, Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich.

[Translate to Englisch:] Radiopreis-Plakette