FUTURE SKILLS – Changing competences in the Bildungshaus of the future

Future Skills, Erasmus+, Bildungshaus, ARGE BHÖ

„In times of change the greatest danger is to act with yesterday's logic“. 
– Peter Drucker




The main aim of the project is to analyse future requirements and challenges for personnel development, management and organisational culture in the Bildungshaus of the future and to develop possible solutions for dealing with them. The main focus is on the competences required in the future ("future skills").

The results of the project will be published in a brochure. It is intended to serve as an orientation aid for innovative and creative solutions in the organisational and personnel development of Bildungshäuser.



It is becoming increasingly difficult to develop staff in line with new requirements, find suitable personnel, retain staff and inspire them to join your company. The current situation, characterised by a shortage of labour and skilled workers, upheavals in the world of work and in social values, digitalisation/artificial intelligence, etc., is challenging and difficult to assess for many companies. This project is intended to provide support in making sound and sustainable strategic decisions for your own educational institution through research into personnel and organisational development.


Lead partner and initiator is the ARGE Bildungshäuser Österreich. Our project partners are: 









Results of the project will follow as soon as possible when they are ready for publication.

For all those who would like to delve deeper into the topic in advance, we have collected interesting resource tips on THIS PADLET.


Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ
Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ
Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ
Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ
Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ
Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ
Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ
Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ
Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ
Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ
Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ
Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ
Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ
Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ
Erasmus+ Future Skills ARGE BHÖ

Contact us

You are exciting about the project and would like to have further information?
Get in touch!
Bianca Baumgartner


[Translate to Englisch:] Erasmus+

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.